About Imani

Welcome friends! If Freedom is important to you, then you’ve stumbled to the right place. As a mama for the last three decades to six children, I know how important it is to raise sovereign souls, especially in these trying times. My four birth daughters were all born at home, unvaccinated, and homeschooled for most of their lives.
I have always been passionate about teaching; I received my Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education thinking I could make a difference in the system, but realized early on that I wouldn't be able to accomplish the mission I was sent here to do. I wanted to implement a new way of teaching for my own children, and I chose to homeschool and raise them with “instincts intact”; a large portion of our curriculum was based on life skills, real food and the arts. To support my dream of being able to teach my kids and work, I opened Alchemy Juice Bar Cafe in 2002, an all organic cafe and community space for creative thinkers, where I began educating the public on the power of healthy eating.
The manifestation for the vision behind The Mamalution began over a decade ago, while writing the first version of my book, The Absence/Presence of Soil. I realised that I could only reach a limited number of people from behind my cafe counter, yet I was so eager to share with other mamas the information that I had learned on my journey; I believe everyone deserves the right to make informed and empowered decisions.
I am a lifelong entrepreneur and am passionate about building a new model with a thriving economy. After my second divorce and the closing of my cafe over ten years ago, I dove into securing financial stability for my family. Not only did I want to provide for my daughters, I also wanted to show them what is possible when you follow your passion. I have successfully built a thriving business without sacrificing my values; I continually grow my network, travel around the world, and work with Revolutionaries such as G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island), Del Bigtree (The Highwire Talk), Dr. Zach Bush, Sacha Stone, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dolores Cahill, Sherri Tenpenny and many others who have been on the forefront of truth telling at this critical time in humanity.
My journey to truth has led me to reunite with my soulmate, River, who came into my life in the most serendipitous of ways and at the most perfect time in 2021. The merging of our souls in this physical form is not only a testament for
what is possible, but gives others hope in a time when it is needed most. We had an instant connection and our love
for hemp and shared visions for building out the new earth aligned synchronistically. In the first year of our union, we traveled thousands of miles, to over 100 cities, activating the grid. We established Haven Earth Ministries and our PMA (Private Membership Association), and then we began looking for the home of Haven Village, which we found two years later in Tennessee. We are currently building out the first residential Healthy Hemp Home model, which you are encouraged to visit and are always welcomed with open arms.
Thirty years after the birth of my first daughter my vision has finally come full circle.
My Passion Projects
“There is no greater insight into the future than recognizing...
when we save our children, we save ourselves.” - Margaret Mead